
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Food Safety


Knowledgeable LifeSmarts participants know that to keep themselves and others safe, it is important to be smart about the food they eat, follow safe food handling precautions, and observe the four Cs of food safety.

September is National Food Safety Education Month. Celebrate by reviewing the rules to food safety.

For More Information:

The National Consumers League has published a brochure entitled, "Bacterial Resistance: When Antibiotics Don't Work, A Consumer Guide to Protecting Your Family." You may read the brochure online or download a PDF version of the brochure at this link:

Additional Resources:

The Food Safety and Inspection Service, an arm of the US Department of Agriculture, has a number of consumer publications available at:

The federal government's gateway to food safety information compiles information from a number of federal and state government agencies

Fight Bac! Campaign includes curriculum resources for educators

Food safety lessons are available online through Iowa State University Extension

Mini-Quiz on Food Safety:

1. Most bacteria:

Are harmful to humans

Are harmless and even beneficial

Multiply very slowly

2. The worst thing that can happen to you if you eat food contaminated with botulism is:

A dry mouth

Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea


3. For food safety, it is recommended that food is not left out at room temperature for more than:

A half hour

An hour

Two hours

4. Bacteria that cause foodborne illnesses thrive in:

Salty conditions

Moist conditions

Acidic conditions

5. It has been estimated that proper hand-washing could eliminate this percentage of foodborne illness. Is it:

10 percent

25 percent

50 percent

6. The number one species consumed by Americans is:

Beef cattle



7. Which type of meat is most likely to be irradiated before you buy it?




8. Frozen food kept constantly at 0 degrees Fahrenheit will always be:

Of good quality

Safe to eat

Safe to eat and of good quality

9. What is true about frozen meat?

Nutrients are not destroyed

The nutritional value of frozen meat increases

Nutrients are negatively altered when frozen

10. You've just chopped meat on a cutting board. Now you need to chop vegetables for a salad. You should:

Wipe the cutting board off with water

Rinse the cutting board with cold water before cutting the vegetables

Wash the cutting board with hot soapy water

1. a. Are harmless and even beneficial
2. c. Death
3. c. Two hours
4. b. Moist conditions
5. c. 50 percent
6. c. Chicken
7. a. Chicken
8. b. Safe to eat
9. a. Nutrients are not destroyed
10. c. Wash the cutting board with hot soapy water

Important Terms to Know

Single-celled microorganisms that are commonly found in most environments. Some bacteria can cause infectious diseases.

Bacteria often found in contaminated poultry that can cause diarrhea, cramps and fever.


Transfer of bacteria from a food product, such as uncooked poultry, to other foods, hands or surfaces.

Danger Zone

The temperature range in which most bacteria can grow. Usually this is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit and over 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
E. coli 0157:H7
E. coli is a type of bacteria that is normally found in the human colon and generally causes no harm. However, a particular virulent strain of E. coli, known as E. coli 0157:H7, can lead to bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and blood and kidney disorders. In rare cases, it has been fatal.

Expiration Date

The calendar date on the packaging of a food that indicates the last date a food should be eaten or used.


Practices, such as cleanliness and maintenance of skin, hair, and nails, that promote health and prevention of disease.

Microorganism: Microscopic-sized organisms, like bacteria, viruses or fungi.

Pathogen: Any disease-producing microorganism.


A voluntary action of removing a product from retail or distribution.

Salmonella: Bacteria which may be found in raw or undercooked foods, especially eggs, poultry, fruit and vegetables. A major cause of food poisoning that results in fever, abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Salmonella infections range in severity and sometimes require hospitalization.

"Sell by" Date

A calendar date on the packaging of a food product that indicates the last day the product can be sold.

Smarts Medications - Weight Loss

The newest medications for weight loss sounds like a dieter’s dream. One makes you feel full before you have eaten much. Another blocks your body’s ability to absorb nearly a third of fat you eat.
If you are among those who can not lose weight on your own and the excess weight has produced medical problems, you may consider weight loss medications and combine with fewer calories and more activity to lose weight and improve your health.
Doctors today prescribe one of two drugs for weight loss. These drugs work in different ways.
The FDA approved a drug called Xenical (Orlistat), the first in a new class of weight loss medications. Unlike other drugs, which work through your central nervous system, Xenical is a non-systemic drug that acts only in your digestive tract and prevent up to 30 percent of fat being absorbed into your body.
The recommended dose is 120 milligrams up to three times a day with meals that contain fat.
Because your body does not absorb this drug into your bloodstream, you avoid potentially serious side effects such as heart valve disease. The side effects such as fatty or oily stools that you do experience are usually mild and temporary.
Studies show that these side effects might have some added benefit because they may discourage you from eating fatty foods. That’s a good news because to lose weight you must also reduce your calorie intake. As fat contain twice the calorie compared to protein and carbohydrates.
Sibutramine is a systemic drug that is absorbed into the bloodstream and acts in the brain mainly affecting serotonin and norepinephrine and makes you feel full more quickly.
It can cause a small increase in blood pressure. For some people, the increase can be high enough to warrant discontinuing the drug.
It is not recommended for people with uncontrolled high blood pressure, heart disease, irregular heartbeat or a history of stroke. If you do take Sibutramine, the FDA recommends that you carefully monitor your blood pressure.
The most common side effects noticed when you are on this drug are headache, dry mouth, constipation and insomnia.
Improving your health over the long haul is the most important reason for reaching and maintaining a healthy weight. Along the way feeling better physically, feeling better about yourself and perhaps looking better are not bad short term payoffs for taking on tough challenge. They may spur you on to reach your long-term goal.
Talk to your doctor or pharmacist on weight loss medications that is safe for weight loss.

Mesothelioma Asbestos

Mesothelioma Asbestos Online is an education-based resource to assist individuals who may be at risk for mesothelioma, asbestosis, or asbestos-related pleural disease. Our Web site contains sections explaining the dangers of mesothelioma, the medical issues involved, available treatment options, links to cancer societies and support groups, as well as mesothelioma and asbestos lawsuit information.
Mesothelioma is an extremely dangerous form of lung cancer that derives from exposure to certain asbestos fibers that penetrate deep within the layers of the lungs. The body is unable to dispel the fibers, which eventually cause an inflammatory condition in the lungs. This condition is thought to be responsible for the resulting tumor that can form either around the lining of the lungs (pleura), the abdomen (peritoneum) or around the heart (pericardium). The tumor is very difficult to expunge from the body and can destroy these vital organs.

Sunday, May 20, 2007


Acne is caused from imbalances and impurities within the body, and that's why we treat the problem an internal cleansing treatment that goes right to the source and fights acne before it even begins.

How To Avoid Food Poisoning

The bacteria that cause poisoning are everywhere in the environment, but you can take steps to help avoid infection. When Shopping Buy meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, eggs and freshly prepared foods from clean, reliable sources, and check the expiration date on packaged goods. Buy clean, uncracked eggs that have been held under refrigeration. (For more about eggs, see "Egg Safety" below.) Avoid foods with damaged packaging, such as dented or bulging cans. Don't buy any packaged food that is leaking or spilling its contents.

Put frozen foods into your cart last. Check packaging: Frozen food should feel solid, and the package should be clean. A discolored package may have been thawed and refrozen. From market to home Pack frozen and refrigerated items together in the same shopping bag to keep them cool on the way home. Take all groceries home immediately, especially during warmer months. Unpack and store groceries as soon as you get them home, especially refrigerated and frozen foods. Store refrigerated and frozen food in original packaging, unless the wrapping is torn. Be sure your refrigerator temperature is set between 34?and 40?and the freezer at 0?or less.

In your kitchen, wash your hands before and after preparing food. Keep all appliances, utensils, work surfaces, dish towels, cloths and sponges clean. Avoid cross-contamination from raw food, such as meat or eggs, to cooked foods by using separate cutting boards, knives, bowls and other tools. If you don't have separate tools, be sure to wash thoroughly any items that touch raw animal products before using them with other foods.

Thaw meat, poultry and fish in the refrigerator, not at room temperature. Marinate meat in the refrigerator, not at room temperature. If you use the marinade to baste the meat during cooking, boil the marinade first for a few minutes to kill any bacteria introduced by the raw meat. Never put cooked meat back on a platter that held raw meat, unless the platter is thoroughly cleaned first. Cook meat thoroughly. The internal temperature of veal, pork and lamb should be at least 160? Beef should be cooked to about 170?and chicken until its internal temperature reaches 185?

Avoid raw eggs and foods made with raw eggs, such as fresh mayonnaise and Caesar salad dressing. Don't lick the beaters or bowl of a cake or cookie batter that contains raw egg. (The kids will protest, but better safe than sorry.) If you find a cracked egg in a carton, discard it. Keep cold foods at temperatures below 40?and hot foods above 140.?Most bacteria thrive at temperatures between these two extremes. Divide leftover food into small portions for quick cooling, and refrigerate or freeze as soon as possible after a meal.

Herbal Medicine

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 4 billion people, 80 percent of the world population, presently use herbal medicine for some aspect of primary health care. Herbal medicine is a major component in all indigenous people's traditional medicine and a common element in Ayurvedic, homeopathic, naturopathic, traditional oriental and Native American Indian medicine.


It has long been known that healthful habits are essential to cardiac health. Regular exercise, not smoking, and eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and fiber have all been shown in numerous studies to be effective means for protecting the heart. Several nutrients have been identified as critical components of a heart-healthy diet. These include folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, magnesium, and antioxidant such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium. High intake of folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 can reduce levels of homocysteine in the blood, and thereby lower the risk of heart disease. High dietary and supplemental intake of antioxidant nutrients have also been found to be protective in some, but not all, studies. Multivitamin supplements generally contain B-vitamins (including folic acid), vitamin C, and vitamin E, and many also contain trace minerals and other nutrients. Three studies, all conducted in the United States, have examined the effect of multivitamin use on the risk of heart disease; one showed a protective effect but the others did not.
The current study was conducted in Sweden. Participants included 1,296 men and women who had experienced a first heart attack more than one month previously. They were compared with 1,685 men and women who had never experienced a heart attack. All of the participants answered a detailed questionnaire regarding physical activity, diet, smoking, and use of supplements. The use of multivitamin supplements was associated with a significant reduction in risk of nonfatal heart attack. Men taking multivitamin supplements were 22% less likely to experience a nonfatal heart attack than men who did not. In women, the risk reduction was 33%.
The results of this study suggest that the use of multivitamin supplements reduces the risk of nonfatal heart attack, adding to the evidence that multivitamin supplements might prevent heart disease. Controlled trials are needed to confirm these findings. In contrast to previous studies, the participants in the current study were drawn from a population known to consume relatively few fruits and vegetables. Furthermore, dietary consumption of folic acid is likely to be lower in Sweden than in the United States, where commonly eaten foods are fortified with this nutrient. Future studies may determine whether some populations benefit more than others from multivitamin supplement use.
Maureen Williams, ND, received her bachelors degree from the University of Pennsylvania and her Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University in Seattle, WA. She has a private practice in Quechee, Vermont, and does extensive work with traditional herbal medicine in Guatemala and Honduras.

Nutripak MultiVitamin Organic, Food BoundDoctor Recommended Buy Wholesale Here!

Testimonials have also been impressive. A female biophysicist had a state of the art, highly sophisticated GDV analyzer that measures and analyzes the energies in the human body. With lumps and pain in her breasts, her GDV's cancer readings were sky high. Three weeks after starting on the Cellular Zeolite, taking it at the suggested therapeutic level, her lumps were gone, as was the pain. And the GDV machine showed there was no cancer in her body. Bladder Cancer Testimonial:
"Last January (2005) my father-in-law had another surgery for bladder cancer. In this, and the previous surgeries, tumors were found and treated. Since last January he has worn a catheter bag to collect his urine. A few months ago his catheter bag began to have blood in it. He continued to pass more and more blood, accompanied by a foul odor. "After testing his urine and blood, his doctor told him the cancer was back. The doctor explained that radiation treatments would likely follow the surgery, and maybe chemotherapy after that. Surgery was scheduled for Friday Sept. 2nd. "On Saturday Aug. 20th we got some Cellular Zeolite to him. In FOUR DAYS the bleeding STOPPED and the catheter bag remained clear of any blood. After a week on it, he woke one morning and his catheter bag was full of a sticky ugly gunk, and had a terrible odor. The catheter bags and tubes could not be cleaned, and had to be discarded and replaced. From that point on there has been NO blood or odor in his catheter bag."Friday, September 2nd, Carl underwent surgery. His doctor was surprised to find NO Tumors in his bladder! He said he was just sure there would be tumors there. Carl has also experienced an increase in energy since taking the Cellular Zeolite."- Ron W. Another man had testicular cancer with three tumors confirmed by cat scan. He was scheduled for surgery in 2 weeks. He started using Cellular Zeolite a few days later. When he went in for surgery, on checking for exact tumor locations by cat scan - nothing was found. A big turn around in only a couple of weeks, though most people take longer to see results, and thus it makes sense to add on the powdered Zeolite because more zeolite works better or faster. There are just small amounts of zeolite in Cellular Zeolite, 24 mgs for every 3 drops. The key to why Cellular Zeolite works so powerfully is that it is a micronized, activated formulation. Zeolite is a negatively charged volcanic mineral that naturally attracts positively charged toxins to it, and traps them in its cage-like structure. When zeolite is dug out of the ground, it will often have heavy metals bound up with it because it has an affinity to heavy metals. In making Cellular Zeolite, the zeolite is heated and cooled in a four day process to purify it of all toxins, and to give it a small amount of calcium, potassium and magnesium for ionic exchange. In addition, Cellular Zeolite's heating and cleaning process makes a smaller molecular size zeolite that enables it to better travel throughout the body. Studies show that when you take measured quantity of Cellular Zeolite, 40% shows up in the stools -- meaning it works in the intestinal tract -- and 60% is found in the urine, meaning it gets into the bloodstream and works on cancer throughout the body. Zeolite's ionic charge turns slightly positive when it is full of the positively charged toxins it has captured. Normal cells have a neutral charge while cancer cells have a slightly negative electrical charge. So the now slightly positively charged zeolite molecule is attracted to cancer cells. Once inside the cancer cells, it does a couple of things that kill the cancer cells. Zeolite activates the p21 gene. The function of the p21 gene is to tell the cancer cell to die. P21 acts as a tumor suppressor as it controls cell cycle progression. The activation of P21 appears to halt the growth of tumors by directly suppressing growth signals. In in-vitro studies, all cancer cells tested were destroyed in 72 hour. There are no side effects because it specifically targets cancer cells as it is not attracted to normal healthy cells. According to the patent, once it is pulled inside the cell, the tri metallic part of the zeolite molecule can destroy the nucleus and cytoplasmic organelles. In some cases the cancer cells were destroyed in an outward burst of the cytoplasm by increased osmotic pressure. In other cases cells were totally destroyed by cell wall and membrane collapse after the nucleus is destroyed.Most often, after the nucleus and the cytoplasm are destroyed, the entire cellular contents dissipate into the surrounding environment. The membrane of these now dead cancer cells remain intact, but no cellular structures are left. The research shows that Cellular Zeolite works on the receptor sites, cell wall membrane proteins, and surface chemistry of the cancer cell only. It does not effect ordinary, healthy cells.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


A balanced diet and exercise regime might take a little bit more work and effort but the benefits you reap for a happy, healthy life will be a hundredfold. Here’s how you and your family can eat smart and live happily.
Most of the time, we know that we need a diverse set of foods and nutrients to complete a balanced diet and lifestyle, but with hectic lifestyles and less time on our hands, shortcuts seem to be a better option on most days. Too often we compromise the proper variety and balance of nutrients our body needs for quick, convenient meals.
The good news is, at McDonald’s you don’t need to sacrifice nutrition for convenience. All the ingredients that go into McDonald’s meals are the normal stuff that you will get at the supermarket such as bread, chicken, fish, meat, potato, tomato, lettuce and many more, so rest assured, your meals at McDonald’s contain the necessary daily nutrients you and your family need. You can obtain the nutrition information from any McDonald’s restaurants to help you plan a balanced diet.
Nutrition balance is particularly important for your kids. As protein is especially essential for a child’s growth and development, give them a good range from various sources such as eggs, chicken, fish, beef or even lentils and soya-based products. At McDonald’s they’re spoilt for choice with Happy Meal selections like Chicken McNuggets, Ayam Goreng McD, Cheeseburger and Grilled Chicken Burger.
Fruits and vegetables are another crucial element of your child’s daily diet but it may be a challenge to get them to agree to that. Now there’s even a Happy Meal side option of Corn Cup to help your kids get their daily serving of vegetables (one serving is three quarters of a mug). Have your children go for fruits or veggie sticks whenever they’re hungry throughout the day. Choose bright-colored fruits and veggies cut into interesting shapes for them to enjoy. Instead of carbonated drinks, fruit juices are just as flavorful, plus they’re bursting with vitamins. Soya bean milk is also a source of liquid protein goodness.
Most of the time, the problem also lies in overindulging and eating too much. Part of learning to eat smart is to understand the limits of your stomach – enjoy what you eat, but listen to your body when it tells you that you’ve head enough; stop when you’re full! This way, you can eat the things you like while keeping it in manageable, moderate servings. Encourage your children to stop when they’re full. If not, they develop habits of eating more than they should at a young age. McDonald’s Happy Meal contains a complete meal of just the right portion to suit your child’s needs and taste buds.
Eating smart for you and your family isn’t actually all that hard – while a part of it is making the right choices in your food options, it is more important to listen to your own body’s needs and encouraging good eating habits in your kids while they’re still young.
Tips for getting ahead in health
Eat according to your needs. An individual's nutrient and calorie needs vary according to age and level of physical activity. Growing children, adolescents and women, for instance, need more calcium for healthy bones. Young children, teenage girls and young women should eat enough iron-rich foods, such as lean meat, eggs and whole grain products. Growing kids need lots of protein while vitamins are essential for optimum health.
Drink heaps of water. You need at least 6 to 8 (confirm 6-8) glasses of water a day. Fluid can also come from other beverages, fruits and vegetables. Enjoy a variety of choices at McDonald’s such as Ribena blackcurrant juice, orange juice, water, MILO and many more.
Watch how much salt you’re consuming. Sodium is vital for your body to function properly. However, only a very small amount of sodium is needed. Excessive sodium intake is associated with the incidence of high blood pressure. You can ask for your French Fries without salt.
Don’t skip meals! Your body needs a certain amount of nutrients and calories a day, so cutting down your intake by skipping meals deprives your body of what it needs and you risk overeating at your next meal. Also, never miss breakfast. It is important for kick-starting your metabolism and giving you a good start to the day. Have a hearty breakfast at McDonald’s with either the Sausage McMuffin, McEgg Muffin or try the Bubur Ayam McD for local flavor
Turn meals into an enjoyable experience, not just something to fill your stomach. Make mealtimes a time for you and your family to spend quality time together – this sets a good example for cultivating good eating habits in your children and encourages varied, balanced eating. Eat out occasionally for a change; bring the kids out to McDonald’s where there are food options for the whole family.
Be active! Apart from having nutritionally balanced meals, children need regular exercise to stay healthy and happy too. Remember, ENERGY IN = ENERGY OUT, so any extra calories consumed have to be burned off to keep your child in shape. Encourage your child to take up a sport.


A balanced diet and exercise regime might take a little bit more work and effort but the benefits you reap for a happy, healthy life will be a hundredfold. Here’s how you and your family can eat smart and live happily.
Most of the time, we know that we need a diverse set of foods and nutrients to complete a balanced diet and lifestyle, but with hectic lifestyles and less time on our hands, shortcuts seem to be a better option on most days. Too often we compromise the proper variety and balance of nutrients our body needs for quick, convenient meals.
The good news is, at McDonald’s you don’t need to sacrifice nutrition for convenience. All the ingredients that go into McDonald’s meals are the normal stuff that you will get at the supermarket such as bread, chicken, fish, meat, potato, tomato, lettuce and many more, so rest assured, your meals at McDonald’s contain the necessary daily nutrients you and your family need. You can obtain the nutrition information from any McDonald’s restaurants to help you plan a balanced diet.
Nutrition balance is particularly important for your kids. As protein is especially essential for a child’s growth and development, give them a good range from various sources such as eggs, chicken, fish, beef or even lentils and soya-based products. At McDonald’s they’re spoilt for choice with Happy Meal selections like Chicken McNuggets, Ayam Goreng McD, Cheeseburger and Grilled Chicken Burger.
Fruits and vegetables are another crucial element of your child’s daily diet but it may be a challenge to get them to agree to that. Now there’s even a Happy Meal side option of Corn Cup to help your kids get their daily serving of vegetables (one serving is three quarters of a mug). Have your children go for fruits or veggie sticks whenever they’re hungry throughout the day. Choose bright-colored fruits and veggies cut into interesting shapes for them to enjoy. Instead of carbonated drinks, fruit juices are just as flavorful, plus they’re bursting with vitamins. Soya bean milk is also a source of liquid protein goodness.
Most of the time, the problem also lies in overindulging and eating too much. Part of learning to eat smart is to understand the limits of your stomach – enjoy what you eat, but listen to your body when it tells you that you’ve head enough; stop when you’re full! This way, you can eat the things you like while keeping it in manageable, moderate servings. Encourage your children to stop when they’re full. If not, they develop habits of eating more than they should at a young age. McDonald’s Happy Meal contains a complete meal of just the right portion to suit your child’s needs and taste buds.
Eating smart for you and your family isn’t actually all that hard – while a part of it is making the right choices in your food options, it is more important to listen to your own body’s needs and encouraging good eating habits in your kids while they’re still young.
Tips for getting ahead in health
Eat according to your needs. An individual's nutrient and calorie needs vary according to age and level of physical activity. Growing children, adolescents and women, for instance, need more calcium for healthy bones. Young children, teenage girls and young women should eat enough iron-rich foods, such as lean meat, eggs and whole grain products. Growing kids need lots of protein while vitamins are essential for optimum health.
Drink heaps of water. You need at least 6 to 8 (confirm 6-8) glasses of water a day. Fluid can also come from other beverages, fruits and vegetables. Enjoy a variety of choices at McDonald’s such as Ribena blackcurrant juice, orange juice, water, MILO and many more.
Watch how much salt you’re consuming. Sodium is vital for your body to function properly. However, only a very small amount of sodium is needed. Excessive sodium intake is associated with the incidence of high blood pressure. You can ask for your French Fries without salt.
Don’t skip meals! Your body needs a certain amount of nutrients and calories a day, so cutting down your intake by skipping meals deprives your body of what it needs and you risk overeating at your next meal. Also, never miss breakfast. It is important for kick-starting your metabolism and giving you a good start to the day. Have a hearty breakfast at McDonald’s with either the Sausage McMuffin, McEgg Muffin or try the Bubur Ayam McD for local flavor
Turn meals into an enjoyable experience, not just something to fill your stomach. Make mealtimes a time for you and your family to spend quality time together – this sets a good example for cultivating good eating habits in your children and encourages varied, balanced eating. Eat out occasionally for a change; bring the kids out to McDonald’s where there are food options for the whole family.
Be active! Apart from having nutritionally balanced meals, children need regular exercise to stay healthy and happy too. Remember, ENERGY IN = ENERGY OUT, so any extra calories consumed have to be burned off to keep your child in shape. Encourage your child to take up a sport.