
Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Yoga Diet

One of the essential things about yoga, together with the positive attitude, is the diet. It is highly recommended to perform your yoga session after about 2 hours from a main meal. Many specialists agree that what we eat is reflected both in our appearance, as well as in our health state. In other words, it is important to mind the things we consume, in order to prevent illnesses and discomforts.

However, the question related to what does healthy food mean, remains a constant reason of inquiry for many people. According to reliable studies, a very diversified diet represents the ideal food for any human organism. However, fruits and vegetables, containing fibers and vitamins should be a permanent component of your daily meals. Furthermore, everything that can be defined as natural food is recommended, when it comes to preserving your state of well being.

Despite the fact that many people try to eat as little as possible, as they believe food can produce them harm, you have to keep in mind that your body needs nutrients, in order to properly function. Nevertheless, do not exaggerate when eating, even if you are consuming healthy food, because it will not have the same beneficial effect on you. Try to stop eating once you are not hungry anymore, or, even better, stop before reaching the full saturation state. By doing this, you will discover that the state of fatigue, which we sometimes experience after eating, is considerably diminished, while your energy level goes up substantially.

Another issue related to eating is how often should a healthy person eat? Should we have three meals a day? Should we avoid having dinner, in order to prevent becoming overweight, because we do not move sufficiently during the night? Or is it better not to have lunch, so that you do not have to deal, in the middle of the day, with the unpleasant sensation of fatigue, which we experience after serving a consistent meal? Well, the right answer to all these questions would be to eat whenever you are hungry, as your body needs to be fed in order to function at the standards you desire, but, nevertheless, pay attention to what and how much you are eating.

More than a simple energy source, food can be a way of purifying one's body and soul, which is why, together with the variety of exercises, yoga trainers encourage the practitioners to keep a wise diet, based mainly on natural food. This way, their body is protected from the danger of contracting toxins and it is prepared, at the same time, to find the synchronization with the soul and mind, which is actually one of the main goals of yoga practices.

As a final remark, when carrying out constant yoga practices it is important, in order to reach your goals, to meditate both on what you are doing to your own body, as a direct consequence of the food you are eating, and to what level you respond to your soul's and mind's needs.

About the author: Kirsten Hawkins is a yoga enthusiast and teacher from Nashville, TN. Visit for more information on all styles of yoga and yoga and spirituality resources.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

The Secret Ingredient for Good Health

What if I told you that you could add something to your life that would decrease your blood pressure and cholesterol, increase energy, muscle mass, bone density, metabolism, longevity and last but not least, sexual performance? What if I told you that it would also improve sleep, flexibility, strength and digestion? If you knew it would help in preventing certain diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and depression, would that interest you? What about strengthening the immune system, improving circulation and delaying or preventing osteoporosis? The benefits to what I am referring to doesn't stop there either. The mental and emotional benefits include reduced anxiety and stress, improvement of your self worth and self image plus an overall increase in your sense of well-being.

Are you asking what this thing is and how much does it cost? How many people would be rushing to their doctor to get a prescription for this life changing and life saving addition you can add to your day? What if I told you that you didn't need a prescription and that it was practically free?

Well, I am telling you that you can start achieving every one of these above benefits today without spending a cent or waiting in line at the pharmacy.

You only need to move your body. That's right. What I am referring to is exercise and if you are not participating in exercise in some shape or form, you are missing out on one thing that can immediately begin to improve your health.

If this thing called exercise is so great, why, might you ask are there still people not doing it?

For different reasons, I believe. Time is a huge factor for many busy women in today's society. Adding one more thing to their TO-Do list does not seem possible. The thing is though, when you make exercise a priority, you often have more energy and less sickness to keep up the demands of that list. Women also believe that if they can't work an hour of exercise into their schedule, they may as well do none at all. Short, but consistent periods of exercise however can be more effective than longer, inconsistent, sporadic ones.

Think of exercise as movement. Make a commitment to move throughout the day as often as you can. Take any opportunity to walk stairs, do yard work, take the kids in the stroller or buddy up with a friend for a chat and a walk. Use the time that the kids are at their soccer or gymnastics practice to take a brisk stroll. Be creative with movement. Participate in activities you enjoy. Join in with the kids playing outside.

According to the World Health Organization, physical inactivity is as harmful to your health as smoking and doubles the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease and stroke.

There is a saying that goes something like this...If you don't make time for exercise; you better make time for illness. Can you afford to take 30 minutes out of your day to add some form of exercise? Maybe a better question is, can you afford not to????


About the author: Peggy Porter is a nurse, Wellness Coach, and author of YumME MumME Makeover-How to Balance Womanhood and Motherhood by Nurturing the Me in MumMe. If you are a Mom and want to start creating a healthier balance in your life, go to and register for Peggy's free monthly teleclass and Ecourse! For more info you can also email or call 506-832-0117.